Archive for October 8th, 2006

I love you

I wish she’d tell me, I wanna be there for her through it.  Right now it’s so abstract. Real in both our individual worlds but not in the one we share. I know the secret she carries
but I want her to know that I know. Unless she forms the words with her lips in my
presence it will remain a secret. At least untill there’s no question visually,
when the illness gives it away.

Without you girl my life is incomplete.

H.I.V – It’s real. Please practise safe sex.


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End The Hurt

Don’t be lost in your feelings. Go with logic, it doesn’t hurt as much. I just.. there’s so many that hurts. I just wish I could help, cause I know what it’s like to hurt inside. And truth is, your the one with the power to change it all. We just need a little information to begin the progress, a seed sowed in our brain and it has begun. We need hope. The subconscious recognizes hope even when we are hurting and don’t see a way out.

That seed needs water so that our consious selves also recognizes it. It is a slow process, but I am here to witness about it. It took me a few years but over those few years it appeared more and more to me (hope). Hope that begun to take a form that I could see, not only wish and pray within my tears for.

It is information we need, cause in much pain we are having trouble to view the world
through a healthy perspective. Hope is in the healthy approach. We need help to change.

I would like to elaborate but there is just so much to write about this topic that I would have to write so much if going further.

The Sky Is Pink


The sky is pink. My mobile cam fails to capture it, lol. It looked beautiful though. 10 minutes later it’s jet black, it’s night at 7pm. We’re going for a walk, the usual path the dog and myself. At first, I wasn’t a dog person and it wasn’t always so easy these late evening walks but now it’s quite relaxing. I look forward to it wishing earlier in the evening that it was that time for it.

I wanna write about something though. A few thing related to one another. But the thoughts are flying freely and not settling. It’s about things I read about in another WP blog concerning women and children. And that this summer has been the all time high of murdered women in this country; The number of the end of the year, this year, summed up only the summer’s murderes of women. But later, if I still feel like it, cause now it’s the evening walk that’s up for us.

Valuing Our Tears

cryCrying is one of the most deeply human experiences we can have. Animals don’t cry; they simply tear up in response to irritants in the environment. Only we humans, who have the capacity to feel so deeply, mournfully and intensely about one another, have intricate, emotional memories, and cry tears of sorrow, grief, frustration, anger, joy, excitement and relief.

Western psychology is now catching up to ancient wisdom. In ancient times and societies, people collected their tears in glass and ceramic vessels, to immortalize their sorrow. Such tears were highly valued. We need to realize that even today, having a good, productive cry, and then moving on, is one of the best mind/body cures for the blues, and for any intense emotional build-up, that we have.

Source and happy guide.

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Hi and welcome. This is my journal where I can find a peace of mind. Perhaps teach myself something. I escape here to unwind, cry or complain, or share my joy. Hope you enjoy your stay.

The current mood of mixedpearl at


A 27 year old womans attempt to understand herself and the rest of the world. Difficult to explain myself with only a few words, you decide from the words in my journal. I suppose I am trying to find my strength through this so I think I am a bit confused, I'm quite emotional and very loving though I at times may seem very cold.

Additional Info

A rather new blog but not a new blogger. From Swedish decent, this blog will contain both languages.
October 2006

Keep my net



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