Archive for October 11th, 2006

Internet vs RL

Who has the energy to deal with too hot tempered people on the net that takes your words wrong.
Who has the energy to correct their mistake?
Why don’t they take the time to ask if what they assume I ment with my words really was what I ment.
I don’t utter bad words untill I’m uttered bad words to.
And when I really do have something mean to say to you I don’t cover the words up in a pretty but bitchy attitude, I let you know straight out.
But usually I ignore you before it goes that far.

But to use words like “Please” and “Honey” is to really push my bottons.

Too many mix their life with the net too much. It ISN’T the same as real life, no matter how you argue. But in some minds it becomes it. To separate the two is better for your self.

Much is easy to ignore,
some things are too pathetic,
some things pushes your buttons but can be ignored,
and (very) few things gets to me.

With the internet many doors are open to you. And so many of those doors are fantastic and great. But then there are doors that you wish you could close but are forever open. One of those doors is all the idiots that comes in to your “home”.

Today with some photos.

I got treated to a great Thai dinner today by a great friend. What else did I order but Gai Pad with cashewnuts.
Swooped me up with his ride and spent the whole afternood/evening with him.

Continue reading ‘Today with some photos.’

Friends & meetings

First I would like to thank you all for the 1000 hits 🙂

A friend is visiting today. We’ve been trying to hook up for a while but things have always gotten in the way of it. You may know him? Asianfever here on WP.
Today were making it happen, though. We speak almost daily but last time we met was actually around the beginning of the summer when we met up for a lunch I had to travel
almost 2 hours for by train to get to, it was only a brief moment of a couple of hours chatts and then I traveled two hours again back home . Perhaps we’ll rent a movie also, well see… well see. Not having gotten any sleep this night either I will probably not be up for anything else and probably fall asleep on the couch. 🙂

I am trying to make another meeting with an old friend happen, aswell. An old friend from highschool wants me to come see her. It’s a bit further to travel, I think that train ride takes about 4 hours if traveling with the X2000.
I used to travel that route so often when I stayed at a fosterfamily in the area where she is located, and wanted to visit my
mother on weekends. I don’t know how I would feel about coming back there.
The feelings I have for that town aren’t exactly great but to meet her maybe I could
put those feelings aside, atleast for one weekend.

The reason to why I don’t like that town is because it is so different from Stockholm (the capital) where I enjoy living and never wants to leave for any other town in this country.
I don’t like their dialect and that town being so far away from any greater City it feels too farmish for me. Farmers and cows doesn’t exactly turn me on, so doesn’t anything resembling. Plus other minor reasons.

I am a big City girl. I enjoy everything with it – The fact that there’s a crowed everywhere, the noise, the lights, all events, the parks in between high stone buildings of great architecture. The fact that it’s always on the go. That it awakens so much inside of you by it’s diversity. So many choices, so many options.

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Giving him a thought.

Steve Irwin

Too bad he had to go, will miss seeing his face on tv in new adventures. He made such difference, this world still needs one of his kind. Did his daughter have enough time with him to keep his devotion alive in her?

His love and passion for wildlife will live on in all of us who connected with his cause.


Hi and welcome. This is my journal where I can find a peace of mind. Perhaps teach myself something. I escape here to unwind, cry or complain, or share my joy. Hope you enjoy your stay.

The current mood of mixedpearl at


A 27 year old womans attempt to understand herself and the rest of the world. Difficult to explain myself with only a few words, you decide from the words in my journal. I suppose I am trying to find my strength through this so I think I am a bit confused, I'm quite emotional and very loving though I at times may seem very cold.

Additional Info

A rather new blog but not a new blogger. From Swedish decent, this blog will contain both languages.
October 2006

Keep my net



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Most photos and poetry may not be copied. If you are unsure please do ask me before redistributing.