Archive for October 5th, 2006

To live what you preach.

Who you are when nobody sees you is who you truly are. I’m thinking of changes as a person. To want to achive something you first must have a vision. I’m having so many thoughts at ones that this post will be confusing for anybody else than me. I read a thing I had forgotten but was somewhat obsessed with before, because I have already “fixed” that within me so I’ve moved on to other things. But it was fun remembering; I was going to write “some” but I believe it’s “almost everybody” that complains about what ever thing about a person but is the same way themselves. Most common seems to be to hate fake people but not being concerned that they are fake themselves. To hate liers but still being a liar. Hate dishonest people and not being honest. I’ve laughed so hard at that before, patheticness. To be what you speak… or live what you preach seems to not be so fun. I wonder why, when it is the most beautiful thing to experience. A true heart is safisfying. Noone can take a true heart away from you. To live with a true heart is a confirmation for your self that you are better. It brings character and confidence. And so much more. Worth exploring.


the rock and tattooMy partner have been considering a tattoo for a while. Japanese signs at the backside of the underarms is a hot topic. Would look hot on him, he always knows what looks good on him, I’m so jealous of that. I don’t know what words he wants actually, not saying that I really would have one of those but it’s fun to think about it; I’d probably get a sign that says female warrior or similar. Many often sports a tattoo that I can’t believe they would want to wear forever or even for a month, less at all. I think too many gets one in haste, and at a to young age. Because we usually won’t stay who we until sometime after 20, mentally that is. And if deciding to get a tattoo at all, save money over some time to go to a known good tattoo artist, don’t rush to the a cheap studio just because you want one right away. After all, you will wear it forever. Choose a tattoo wisely, a timeless tattoo is my wellment tip.

Not being as huge fan of The Rock that I know all his tattoos or even if he have one at all, I don’t know if the photo in this post is manipulated, but it looks hot. Or, to be more correct, He looks hot with that tattoo. Meaning not everyone can pull that off.

An article.

I am wondering something bco an article in today’s newspaper. A male tv profile goes to attack against a tv show run by 4 women by referring them to hard-make upped yelling birds and says that they shouldn’t have been allowed to have that show. I wonder if he a part of men who’s afraid of strong women that speaks their minds and feels his manliness is threatened. Personally I’m angered by men that don’t want women to get a stronger roll in society. No good men, if I could I would want to silence these men and push them down to the level they wish their women on.

Tonights words.

A post @ a WP blog caught my attention since what’s written is the opposite of how I chose to handle the things that life throws at me that is of no good. I’ve been in the suffer and completely swallowed in the thoughts and feelings resulted from the suffer. I been acknowledging these things too much in the past and let it burry me deep inside myself where I fought the suffer all the time. Nowadays I have learned a new way to deal and it’s not to hide or run and escape. Simply to take to heart only the things that I consider good for myself. There is no fighting off suffer anymore and not much suffer inside, instead all that I in the past took to heart and dealt with in silence and pain bounces right off me. Cause I approach life in a different way and I view things now in a way that is healthy for me. A couple examples is; I’ve learned that foul words of strangers really don’t have anything to do with me but it is all within them. I’ve learned that I choose my own path and I’ve grown strong enough in mind and heart to realize this and grown wise enough to understand that I don’t have to listen one bit to what anyone else says. Wrong words just don’t effect me anymore. I take the good things to me because I’ve learned that anything else isn’t strength but being someone else’s bitch amongst so much more I’ve learned. Everything is in how we take things but it all begins with understanding. It isn’t about escaping no more, I walk my own path and bounces the rocks thrown at me off. I’ve learned when to really care, and when not to. And I’ve got my priorities straight, which helps on my road to wherever I might go. We choose everything our selves, the trick is in how we view things.

Trying to sleep for the last 5 hours made me realize that it’s not because I think that I can’t sleep but because I can’t sleep that I think.


Hi and welcome. This is my journal where I can find a peace of mind. Perhaps teach myself something. I escape here to unwind, cry or complain, or share my joy. Hope you enjoy your stay.

The current mood of mixedpearl at


A 27 year old womans attempt to understand herself and the rest of the world. Difficult to explain myself with only a few words, you decide from the words in my journal. I suppose I am trying to find my strength through this so I think I am a bit confused, I'm quite emotional and very loving though I at times may seem very cold.

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A rather new blog but not a new blogger. From Swedish decent, this blog will contain both languages.
October 2006

Keep my net



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